March 13, 2024

Pay What You Can Courses

Pay What You Can Courses

CourseStack now offers support for course creators to publish courses as “Pay What You Can” (PWYC)!

We’re excited to be able to support pay-what-you-can as an option for course creators on our platform. PWYC offers creators the ability to provide extremely accessible courses to a wide audience, while still leaving the door open for some nice financial support from those who can afford it. Students who come from different socio-economic backgrounds and countries who’s currencies have less purchasing power should greatly benefit from being able to choice a price they feel is fair for the course material being offered.

What makes a course a good candidate for PWYC pricing?

  • Free Courses - Everyone loves free content, but it can be really tough for creators to consistently put out high quality learning material which they get no support for. Adding in PWYC let’s students support their favorite course creators for otherwise free content.
  • Funnel Courses - Some course creators off a lot of courses. Funnel courses are typically free courses designed to get students into the creator’s ecosystem and drive awareness of other more substantial, paid courses. PWYC keeps the funnel wide (by allowing anyone to enroll for free), but also let’s creators potentially earn some revenue on these courses as well!
  • Mini Courses - Long, in-depth courses with lots of hand-on content are probably not gret candidates for PWYC pricing. However, many creators will break up these courses into smaller bite sized learning modules offered individually. These can be great courses to consider pay-what-you-can pricing as an option. (They can also act as funnel courses!)

What options do course creators have with PWYC

Creators can set three different settings on PWYC pricing:

  • Minimum Price - The minimum price accepted for enrollment in the course. This can be $0 which allows free enrollments!
  • Suggested Price - This is the price that will appear by default as suggested for new potential students during the checkout process.
  • Maximum Price - The most the course creator is willing to accept from students purchasing the course. By default, this is set to $1,000.

How is Pay-What-You-Can pricing configured on courses?

Currently, PWYC setup is by request only - you’ll need to contact the team ( for getting set up.